At ONMY MACHINES, “customer support” starts the day we first seriously discuss the application and consider the machining solution. We have a project management approach involving all the appropriate people and functions to ensure the project remains on track, both from a time and financial standpoint. The project’s status is continually updated and communicated to all involved. We have an ample and professional staff of sales engineers, product engineers, applications engineers, installation and service technicians, and administrative personnel all to serve and support our customers.

Because a ONMY MACHINES manufacturing solution can be so highly engineered and customized, our customer’s engineering teams often play a vital role in developing the proper system for their needs. In a spirit of goodwill and cooperation, together we embark on what might be a significant and sophisticated project. At times, the needs have been so advanced that we must go beyond the leading edge of technology and into a new realm – such as various aspects of linear motors, spindle bearings, cutting tools for advanced materials, or electronic control systems. Our major customers come with us, sharing in the adventure and the investment. Whenever the application has dictated intellectual partnering such as this, the results have been correct, resolving whatever machining challenge was practically set before us.

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